Saturday, 6 August 2011

Ribbons at the Voe Show

The Voe Show is the local annual fayre where cattle and sheep and jam and flowers and produce of all sorts is shown and judged. There is a hall where arts and crafts are shown and awarded prizes. I entered a few things this year, none really of which I was all that pleased with. Infact the things I was least pleased with won prizes. My mother won so many prizes and I'm  jealous. 

This one was highly commended
The eagle, and the one below it, though you can't see it all that well, is a picture of a seal.
The eagle and seal are both old old drawings. I put them in because the things I had planned  to make never materialised between work and a freak fever that I got a few days ago.
The eagle got a second, seen there, and just out the picture the seal got a green ribbon third.

These are all the photos that I put in in full. I'm back at the show again tomorrow where I'll get some better photos.

Sunset that I took recently, it was no match for the entries there

Misty scene at Hillswick that didn't get much attention either

Nor did this get much attention, but then again, I put this in for a lack of photos to fit this category and didn't think it all through
This photo, I was going to enter, and failed because firstly it wouldn't print off in the print shop, the file was apparently corrupted on my memory card. I tried printing it at home but my printer cartridges have dried up :(. Pain, because they're horribly expensive and I'm not sure which out of 8 cartridges are at fault. 
I didn't get much chance to take a proper photo of my stuff hanging up with prizes, because I left my camera in my friend's car who then went off to pick up his girlfriend from work. But I'm heading back tomorrow so, I'll maybe update this later with some better ones. Overall I was surprised how few entries into the Voe Show there was, considering this was meant to be a 30 year anniversary show running over 2 days instead of the usual 1. 

Beginnings of Summer Project Idea...

I'd been panicking for weeks now about our animation class summer project. I had absolutely no ideas that I was the slightest bit interested in. After a lot of agonising, I think I have the beginnings of something.
I don't usually like putting on sketches, especially ones as horribly rough as this, but these doodles were productive

soooo... my story that I'm formulating involves 2 of these creatures- owl gryphon things. Hopefully it'll be cute.