Monday, 30 September 2013

Awards Ceremony

I brought these home on Saturday night. These are the awards from the Voe Agricultural show that I won a few months back and spoke about in this blog post: . This is the first time I've ever won trophies in my life. Very exciting :)

Sunday, 11 August 2013


Long time no blog & unexpected wins

Its been forever since I was on blogger.
The last few months have been a notible few. Not for art, art was non-existant. But in that time, I've been ill, graduated, been in hospital, started a new job, helped to completely reorganise and update the business I work for, started working with my brother, moved back home, gone through break-ups, drama and a lot of heartache. 'Rollercoaster' is putting it lightly. But I'm hoping things will finally settle down. I've had enough excitement to do me at least a few years. 

Earlier this summer, I attended a craft fayre, some of my photography on sale dotted with a few of my grandad's prints of his paintings.
Last weekend was the Voe Aggricultural Show, my local county fayre. I'd been planning to enter a few new traditional paintings but I didn't get any finished in time. The night before the show, my dad suggested I put in one of my old paintings, putting in something was better than nothing! So, I agreed.

This painting was a study of one of my friend's eyes, done in chalk pastel whilst I was in 6th year at school, aged 17 for my Advanced Higher Art portfolio. The next day I arrived back to find that I'd won more ribbons than I had ever had before on a single piece.
I was utterly shocked. I'd won, First, Trophie Winner and Most Outstanding Adult Exhibit in Arts and Crafts.

Later on I came back to the picture again to find that I'd also been awardest best in show for Non-Animal exhibit. I've never done so well before at the Voe Show.

I was then found by my high school teacher for photographs for the local paper.
In a month or two I'm going to be going to a winner's ceremony to accept the awards. I featured in this week's Shetland Times.

What a stupid expression, haha

Home is as beautiful as ever. Soon the art will start flowing again.

Sunday, 19 May 2013

Final Animated Film Completed

The animated film I have been working on for the last year of my degree has been completed. You can view it here:
Forest Final Film


Sunday, 7 April 2013

Mini Character Design Portfolio Book

I've put together a mini portfolio book of some of my character design work over the last few years. I can't wait for it to get  here. 
If you're interested in having a preview, here's a link to it: 

Failing that, you can find it in a swanky widget at the bottom of my blogger page :)
Its going to be in hard copy at my degree show (17th May!)
Click here to find out more information on my degree show

Friday, 29 March 2013

Quick break from animation...

Hour and a half's break. Back to keyframes I go- a little more refreshed

Thursday, 28 February 2013

Trip to Broughty Ferry

Catchup on Lifedrawing

Unfortunately I've missed more life drawing lessons in the last few weeks than I ever have in any other semester combined. Which is sad, I love it and I'm running out of time to make the most of it. Here are some of my favourites from what I've been up to lately. 

15 minute poses
40 minutes

Miniature portrait I'm proud of

Interesting projections onto the models